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- The Ada Evening Newsi
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Tuesday December 10 1940 THE ADA EVENING HEWS Page ive RANCIS NEWS IT'S OR CHRISTMAS ree rench 1 Kent Smith Sons NEXT: or the employe IIGIIT IP CHEERUL CHRISTMAS Lustrous lamps sparkling from windows or beaming in (estoon from evergreens will send forth your greeting ''Peace on Earth" with the true symbol of the first Christmas of the East which led the Wise Men Io that your homes continue to send forth Child's Colds the cheer of Christmas with beams that welcome friends and with rays to givo 2 A But PhilIips hisactiorr Winterproof yPr epar ednes 0 Mobdoil7 tMAGNOLIA DEALER 4 T'THI SIGN THE LYING nrn a 0 TH SIGN THE LYINC RED HORSE 1910 MjnpJJa JettUeun Co I A I G'S 1 BLUEBIRDS ARE G(JARANTEED PEREet AKIO 8 2 86 2 A 1095 my East long five 495 VK862 You should wait for the offer ALL CARS NEED THESE WINTERPROO SERVICES 4 A 4 103 K4 4Q876 East Pass Pass 10 THE VALUE DIAMONDS IS SERIOUSLY AECTED Says Because Employe Not Attending to His Work Mr Haddock 448 East Seventh St Tulsa Okla says: Georges Catroux former commander of Will Interview Youths Wanting NYA Employment Why buy a diamond of dubious value? Simply insist on a Bluebird and be positive of full value Evety Bluebird is a brilliant blue dia mond accurately cut and guaranteed perfect Jewelers and Certified Watchmakers 122 East Slain Phone 1568 hand is needed to use it An impressive gift is the new Lock Tab 3 Way Buxton Stitch Jess billfold containing McKenney ON BRIDGE Sapulpan igures Good Money or Time Used TULSA PAINTER CLAIMS HOYT'S RENEWED HEALTH checks etc The locked partition makes a secret away for large bills or evening you remove this partition to have a correctly thin billfold It has separate license pass case and card case he billfold comes in Levant goat In dia goat or English Pin Morocco If your boss makes frequent use of business cards like one of the new Kardpak con tainers A thumb on a tiny roll er flick out a card always clean and crisp with no fumbling These thin holders are made of a new plastic in one and two tone color combinations A fishing minded boss will take great pride and pleasure in the new isherman's Barometer It tells when bite and when they Based on some remarkable scientific studies over a two year period this barometer shows at a glance if fish are in It was Light th Star 4 763 VQ95 109 5 3 4K3 Drained and refilled with winter Mobile! RADI Drained flushed Mobil reczone added To keep an air force of 50000 airplanes in service will require approximately 700000 men LAWTON Dec Nichols a 67 year old Law ton painter optimistically hopes that he may be cutting a new set of teeth and will be able to throw away his false ones To scoffers Nichols proudly dis plays a new jaw tooth that has just appeared in his mouth He said the tooth came in exactly 50 years after he had cut his last teeth Nichols said he thought a bone might be coming through his gum when his mouth became sore But a dentist told him he was only cutting a tooth and a few days later the molar appeared Rolling blotter has a long life biting mood a simple easy to read device 3 1 4 inches in diameter in chromium case with unbreakable crystal and is ad justable for altitude Sport departments have some new ideas in luminous fishing lures this season Made of plas tic the baits have a tantalizing glow that proves irresistible to the big ones in the dark pools or so the manufacturers claim Expose these lures for a few min utes to a flashlight and glow for hours Nylon fishing lines have proved their value during the past sea son and one of these rather stiff priced lines might be an idea Dealer SAPULPA Dec The salary of the Sapulpa city police judge may be only $60 per month but City Commissioner Buffington declares one of the best paying jobs he ever heard of and he has figures to prove it the police judge five minutes to hang up his hat and coat he works 20 minutes per day three days per week which is equal to one hour per Buffington said 52 weeks per year he works 52 hours per year salary of $60 per month means that the judge is paid $461 for each 20 minutes he the commissioner continued that basis a man who worked an eight hour day would receive a salary of $11086 per day which figures up to $3459075 a At present Sapulpa is without a police judge and the job is be ing filled temporarily by Kohlenberg city auditor without pay Stale Approval On (ounly Roads ought manger It ia fitting then OKLAHOMA CITY Dec CT Governor Phillips repeating his warning to employes to re main on the job has dismissed an other state worker for campaign ing for a potential candidate for governor The governor said the employe on the state health payroll was dismissed at his di rection for It was reported the employe had been working in behalf of Robert Kerr democratic na tional committeeman who sup ported Phillips in the 1938 guber natorial race but who followed the new deal ticket this year while the governor was balking at the nomination of Henry A Wal lace for vice president CLEANERS 314 East Main OKLAHOMA CITY Dec A proposal for legislation requiring approval by the state highway commission of all coun ty highway programs faced op position from courtty commission ers today Grover Pendleton Oklahoma county commissioner said the proposed legislation would be dis cussed tomorrow at a meeting of the Oklahoma commis association at Chicka sha Sen Louis Ritzhaupt of Guthrie who plans to introduce the bill in the next legislature said he would welcome a with the county commis sioners He asserted the taxpay ers getting worth in county road programs and the commissioners would be Governor Dismisses One or Politicking SUITS PLAIN DRESSES "Ke directed the dismissal because the employe was so politically active attending to his He proposed similar action in other cases The governor announced re cently the ouster of another state employe for jop of (Cfjrtet mas? comes not from tofjat toe receibe but from tbe cheer anti goobtoill toe gibe AJ42 Duplicate None South West Pass Pass Opening Al 61 Lawion Man Cuffing New Tooth pOO th ree full length pockets for bjlls center hide By PAUL MANNING NEA Service Staff Correspondent LONDON Dec 9 Dive bomb ing is a reasonably simple opera tion Just tilt the nose of a plane rush down in a screaming power dive until the sights are dead set on an objective then let go at 2000 feet and pull out But with pursuit ships and fighter bombers getting faster as England and Germany counter blows by throwing faster planes into the sky the mental blackout which occurs when blood sucked to the abdomen checks the oxy gen needed by the brain is get ting to be a dead serious problem for aerial strategists The Royal Air orce and Luft waffe each have an answer but one which is effective only so long as planes travel little faster than 400 mph SOLUTIONS ONLY MAKEsh*t One is diet the other mechan ics The RA pilots eat simple foods and never take jo the air until one hour has elapsed after a heavy meal The Luftwaffe adheres to this diet rule but goes a step further Every JU88 dive bomber has a thin red line painted across the transparent nose which indicates tothepilot the exact angle otthe dive At the correct angle the bomb is released and the plane pulled from the dive And if a JU88 pilot loses complete con sciousness a mechanical arm helps to level the plane Yet because the length of the blackout will increase with the speed of the plane both these so lutions are little more than make shift A more fundamental answer is needed And that answer may be sup plied before this war is concluded British aeronautical engineers nard at work over their wartime drafting boards are sketching sev eral super speed experimental planes in which the pilot lies flat on his stomach That is the only position a man could bear with ease the strain of lightning turns and 'full throttle dives at new speeds DESIGN WOULD INCREASE SPEED I Some engineers say a prone po sition would not make much dif ference to the efficiency as a flyer He would be in a posi tion of an under water swimmer able to see everything below and forward And mirrors properly placed would give him vision above and rear The present system of foot con trol presents few difficulties That problem would be little more than simplifying their operation and regearing their position in the co*ckpit This prone position if adopted would automatically increase the current speed of all fighters and dive bombers or the fuselage could be streamlined to an even greater degree than at present The plane would in fact if it ev er moved from the drafting board into production resemble a stub by bird with just about the speed of a bullet The wings would be wide and broad the fuselage very round the tail nearer the nose MIND YOUR MANNERS cynicism which puts aside as naive and outworn the impulse to be righteous and un selfish is the really dangerous fifth column Dr George Shuster presi dent Hunter College YJY life has been a failure Livermore market spec ulator just before ending it WAR prisoners are the "for gotten of today Strong general secre tary World Alliance A ALERT DEENDERS TRAP DECLARER IN CONTRACT By WM McKENNEY Card Authority fAUR second stop on the drive back to New York from St Louis was at Indianapolis This city has turned out some marve lous bridge combinations In 1935 the team of Cain Wood Buck and Welch won the national open team of four championship The headquarters for the crowd KELLY Manager Ada District OR THE BOSS always ticklish business picking out something for the boss To be on the safe side se lect something new and useful or i a the Ashtray with snuffer tube a that really works Visitors will com pliment him on it It is finished in heavy bronze Artother colorful smoking ac cessory is the Automatic said to be the thinnest and simplest lighter made About the size of a thin watch it comes in six colors or his desk make the boss a present of a roller action pad that feeds out a con tinuous sheet of paper through a hinged cover Under the cover are compartments for cigarets pins clips etc Base and roller of the handsome case are in black plastic with cover in red green or ivory A perpetual calendar and memo tray combination makes a pleas ing gift This new model has a cylindrical calendar showing day date and month and an open tray holding 200 sheets of memo paper Case is smartly finished in wal nut or gumwood Handi Blott the rolling blotter is sure to intrigue him It will blot a line of any length absorb the largest of spots and outlasts required to show what they plan to do with Greater returns for amount in vested Ada News Classified Ads Ellis Nickell district super visor of NYA youth personnel vill be at the Ada NYA office ocated on the second floor of the county courthouse Dec imber 11 to interview all youthsetween the ages of 17 to 24 in ilusive who are interested in ap ilying for NYA employment The National Youth Adtninis ration is now offering an oppor unity to youths to secure voca ional training at resident pro ects Resident projects for boys are ocated at Shawnee Ponca City Iristow Wetumka and Tisho ningo Girls residents projects re located at Shawnee and New irk Compound Brought Relief rom Stomach ery After Nervous Break down Says Mr Haddock To Relieve Misery Rub on Time Proved Vicks VapoRub Middle East Head of ATER this war is over I see the people turning to the land ji Henry ord motor manufac 1' iturer The new Lockheed interceptor is reported to have a top speed of 500 miles an hour The 38 can climb 4000 feet a minute carries a one pound cannon and five machine guns and has a range of 1100 miles OKLAHOMA GAS ANO ELECTRIC COMPANY An Oklahoma Inititvtion Establiahad Oklahoma Tamfary 1902 CHRISTMAS CARDS A Cards Printed aa Jw with your name Buy from a dealer in Ada! BOOK STORE 200 East Main Phone 1680 WHEEL BEARINGS Removed cleaned and repacked with Mobilgreae TRANSMISSION Drained flushed Refilled will winter Mobil Gear Oil BATTERY Hydrometer felled and serviced Terminals cleaned arid lightened Complete Mobilubricaliou of vital points with Mobilgrease DIERENTIAL Drained fiuihed Re filled with fresh Mobil Gear Oil So They Say I future of money adminis I tration in the United States should be devoted to stimulating the distribution of wealth so that the output of 100 per cent capac ity can be absorbed as produced Sir Charles Morgan Webb British visiting economist JNLESS industrial prices stay in line with farm prices and wages we shall be sliding right toward a deep depression as the effects of defense' orders slow down Carl Wooster New rik State AAA chairmarl PILOTS MAY TAKE PRONE POSITIONS IN SUPER SPEED PLANES UTURE 3NT 10 Haskell Nance teacher at itzhugh visited with his par ents last week end Mr and Mrs Bill Weir return ed Sunday from Oklahoma City 1 Mrs Weir has been visiting her sister the past two weeks Saturday night a group of friends surprised Lucille McCom as with a birthday party Mr and Mrs A Henry visit ed in Ardmore last Sunday Kenneth Mitchell has returned to Purcell after a short visit with relatives Kenneth is in the CCC camp there Mrs Dickey and Doris visited Mr and Mrs A Doner and fam ily Sunday Mr' and Mrs Jess Ward and daughter Charlotte and Mrs Carroll of Madill visited Mr and Mrs Driver and family Sunday Mrs Carroll js Mrs Driver's mother and Mrs Ward is a sis ter Tuesday night the picture show "The Last of the was shown at the school Mr and Mrs Herb Canada re turned to Ravia Sunday after visiting with Mrs par ents Mr and Mrs Bill Langston Brown of Holdenville vis ited his wife last weekend Thursday night the Boy Scouts are sponsoring a picture snow at the school house Mr and Mrs George DaleMrsr Brown and Mrs John Webster shopped in Ada Mon day afternoon Mr A Henry attended to business in Ada Monday after noon riday night the basketball teams will go to Vanoss to play ball Test your knowledge of correct social usage by answering the following questions then check ing against the authoritative ans wers below 1 Should one give letters of social introduction to a person he knows only slightly sponsor forTlre person to whom you give a letter of introduction? 3 If you receive a letter of introduction must you in some way entertain the visitor or new comer introduced by the letter? 4 If you are moving to a new town and know a friend has ac quaintances there may you ask your friend to write letters of in troduction for you? 5 Are such phrases as "Yours of the tenth instant received" now considered good form for business letters? What would you do if You are writing a note to a girl whose engagement has1 just been announced (a) Congratulate her on her engagement? (b) Wish her happiness? Answers CLEANED and PRESSED A CASH and CARRY and each year they conduct an inter club championship event Walter Pray holder of the In diana state open pail and open team of four titles whose name is engraved on many middlewest trophies always nas fun upset ting the applecart on a hand Here is one he told me about on this trip opening lead unfortunate ly let the jack diamonds said Walter led a spade to the jack and my part ner made a good play by letting it hold A small club came back to the jack and I was in with the king could see that the only ef fect of a spade lead would be to make declarer run for cover Surely he could win three clubs three diamonds spades and he must have a heart trick The only hope seemed to be not to scare him and possibly trap him into trying to get extra tricks I simply exiied with a dia mond dummy was in and took the opportunity to lead the jack of hearts which wen tne trick as I played low tt keep up declar spirits Then came the queen and ace of clubs looked so rosy that South ventured to lead his other spade and play the oueen East won and returned a spade knock ing out the ace Dummy cashed the fourth club and then led the ten of hearts T'ns rode to queen A heart re'uin put in with the ace to cash the spade and thus we took BUDAPEST Hungary Dec 9 CD The Polish legation closed its doors today by request of the Hungarian government once closest friend The reason was not announced but it is generally believed that Hungary felt as a signatory of the pact she could not long er tolerate the legation of a country absorbed by Germany The war department recently ordered the entire aircraft indus try to go on 24 hour day where it is possible To help cover the cost congress appropriated $120 1 1 000000 i MR HADDOCK I had a nervous breakdown June 7 andAvhaf little eat gave me I misery I couldn't sleep and I lost weight I became so run down that could hardly wbrk and be ing a family man that was no good! taking Compound I am able to eat anything I want! to without discomfort In fact I can't get enough to eat! That aw i ful stomach 'misery is gone No' more nervous spells or consti 1 pation I sleep all night and I'm gaining back my weight and I feel 100 better I know that I will soon be back in good health! My thanks goes to Hoyt's Compound is sold by the 1 Burnett Drug Store and by all other druggists in this area Adv General above the armed forces in rench Indo China was recently ap pointed head of the forces fighting with Britain in the Red Sea Balkans and Middle East areas SMITH i UNERAL HOMEl Years of experience study and progress enable us to put facilities service and ability at your disposal when you need us Your comfort is always our first consideration when you honor us with your call Prices very reasonable 24 Hour Ambulance Service 123 East 13th Street PHONE 60 Be prepared for winter with a car that ready to go places in all kinds of weather let the cxba strain of cold weather opera tion have a chance to snoil vnnr fun Give vital moving parts the lubrication thev need to rcsnnnrl with quick starts casv near khift ing smooth winter power icdi mucage economy Have your friendly Magnolia Dealer prepare your car NOW with comnlrte Winterproof Service 1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 No friend to 5 No Such phrases are now considered stilted Best would you do so lution (b) NYA Officer To State Wheat Crop Largest In Years OKLAHOMA CITY Dec Oklahoma's wheat crop as of December 1 was the largest in years despite adverse weather conditions late last month the state board of agriculture report ed The report estimated condition as 846 per cent compared with 35 per cent at the same time a year ago Heavy rainfall during the last two weeks of November wascredi tedwit th improve men reezes oespeci ally whe re growth was rank caused some damage however The board estimated the cotton i crop at 724000 bales compared with last 526000 TOO MANY ORGANIZATIONS WITH NEW YORK Dec The Carnegie Corporation says there are far too many universities colleges and organi zations for worthy in the United States Henceforth Corporation Presi dent ederick Keppel an nounced yesterday in his annual report the foundation will allo cate financial grants among such institutions under a of 4he During 1939 40 the corporation gave $4692682 in grants to li braries education the arts re search publications and other endeavors Keppel reported add ing that because of low interest rates and new obligations 1940 41 would be a tight year The main difficulty in flying at uign aiuiuaes nas Deen tne va porizing of high test gasoline within M1 lines Recently de uy anair corps sergeant is a new aircraft fuel pumping sys tem said to permit constant oper ation wen aoout zuuuu ieet Police Judge Has Good Paying Job vul North Phone 440 or Movie ilm Supplies ALL CAMERAS ALL ILMSDEVELOPERS PROJECTORS ClowepDuncan 1 111) HcKvy a jiiiiimi i ai a 9 i 410 I Ar 1 iiy love night if i JV 1 I' IWy I 4 LW TWllil JI It aXH fl vwa.
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