1. A Dialogue between Diego Zelota, Izabela Pucu, Thiago Haule and ...
Aug 26, 2020 · Santo what? São Cristovão [Saint Cristopher – another Rio neighborhood]? No, Santo Cristo! And where is that? It is actually next to São ...
Sandro Rodrigues – I’m talking to you from the top of the Morro [Morro means hill and is also term used to describe favela communities as they were mostly built on hills surrounding the city]. Here in the picturesque neighborhood of Santo Cristo [Saint Christ] a port area in Rio de Janeiro. Santo what? São Cristovão [Saint Cristopher – another Rio neighborhood]? No, Santo Cristo! And where is that? It is actually next to São Cristovão, but they are totally different neighborhoods. Not to be mistaken, Santo Cristo is where the Novo Rio [New Rio] bus station is, you know? This whole surrounding region, right up to the viaduct of the Apoteose do samba [Sambadrome exhibition avenue for Rio Carnival Parades], including the morro where I am, all of this is part of the neighborhood. By the way, the morro has a name: Morro do Pinto [Pinto Hill]. The place “where nature becomes more beautiful”, according to a local samba.2 This confusion about location is recurrent when we talk about the neighborhood, because despite being one of the neighborhoods that make up so-called Pequeno África, this part of the region has been overlooked, it was not contemplated within the promised improvements that were to come with the revitalization of the port region [Pequeno África or Little Africa is a neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro’s port region encompassing various “morros” and historically home to Afro-Brazilian communities]. So you hardly ever hear about it, few people know about the existence of San...
2. The Anatomy of Michelangelo (1475-1564) - Hektoen International
Apr 11, 2018 · Michelangelo's contemporary Leonardo Da Vinci's (1452-1519) anatomical expertise is comparable. He acquired his first human skull in 1489.
JMS PearceEast Yorks, England Michelangelo Buonarroti was an exception to the rule that the qualities of many brilliant artists and composers are realized and extolled only after death. He was recognized by contemporaries as a genius, a “Hero of the High Renaissance,” the only artist of whom it was claimed in his lifetime that he
3. [PDF] The Diary of 1751 of Maria de Jesus Felipa - PDXScholar
Jan 1, 2011 · In many cases these records provided the basis for eulogies of exemplary nuns and for their biographies. (vidas), which were redacted or written ...
vidas dos pintores, e escultores, architetos, e gravadores portuguezes, e ... made famous by Leonardo da Vinci. It all sums up to his Kunstfigur, “art ...
5. A Trip to the Cemetery by Sergio Chejfec - Words Without Borders
Apr 1, 2018 · Three Argentineans are in Paris one Sunday in spring. They walk through its empty streets as if they had nothing else to do that morning.
In this homage to Juan José Saer, Sergio Chejfec sends a novelist, an essayist, and a theologian on a pilgrimage to the great writer’s final resting place in Paris’s Père Lachaise Cemetery.
6. [PDF] Las Vidas de dante y Petrarca de Leonardo Bruni - Calamus
Esa defensa incluye dos argumentos importantes, discutidos en el seno del primer humanismo. El primero de ellos es que la condena de Bruto y la defensa de César ...
7. MARIZ. (Pedro de) DIALOGOS DE VARIA HISTORIA Dos Reis de ...
AS VIDAS DOS REIS DE PORTUGAL COM OS MAIS VERDADEIROS RETRATOS QUE SE ... famous typographer of the same city. « Various Dialogues of History ...
DEDICADOS AO SÕR DIOGO SOARES. Lxª. por Antº Craesbeek de Mello Impressor da Caza Real Anno 1672. – DIALOGOS DE VARIA HISTORIA EM QUE SE REFEREM AS VIDAS DOS REIS DE PORTUGAL COM OS MAIS VERDADEIROS RETRATOS QUE SE PUDEREM ACHAR. COM AS NOTICIAS DE NOSSOS REYNOS, & Conquistas, & successos do mundo. Autor PEDRO DE MARIZ: ACRECENTADOS POR ANTÓNIO CRAESBEECK De Mello, Impressor de Sua Alteza. Te a vida do senhor REY D. IOAM IV. De Boa Memoria. E na sua Officina Impressos. Anno 1674. In 8.º de 19,5x14,5 cm. (viii)-560 pags. Encadernação da época inteira de pele. Ilustrado com um magnifico frontispício gravado assinado por Pedro Perret gravador régio inspirado no da edição primitiva, O escudo de armas da família de Diogo Soares a quem é dedicado o livro xilogravado na folha da dedicatória e os 22 retratos dos monarcas portugueses desde o conde D. Henrique até D. João IV. A primeira edição desta obra 1594 é um dos livros mais raros da bibliografia portuguesa, sendo a presente edição a terceira apresenta pela primeira vez os retratos e as biografias dos reis desde d. Filipe II. até D. João IV. Inocêncio VI, 432. “P. PEDRO DE MARIZ, Presbytero secular, Bacharel em Canones, pela Universidade de Coimbra, Guarda mór da Livraria da mesma Universidade e Provedor do Hospital da Castanheira, etc. - Foi natural de Coimbra, e filho de Antonio de Mariz, celebre typographo da mesma cidade. Do seu nascimento e obito não tenho encontrado noticias porém se é elle, como parece, o mesmo que...
8. Beyond Slavery: Abolition and Post-abolition in Brazil
Dec 17, 2020 · ... dos Chapeleiros (Mutual Association of Hatters) in Pelotas and the ... dialogues with the memory of abolition. One hundred years later ...
"Beyond Slavery: Abolition and Post-abolition in Brazil" published on by Oxford University Press.
9. Brasil - Poesia e acervos orais na urdidura dos poemas de
... dialogues with the popularity of the janeiras. In some poems from the book ... famous enunciation. I hope I have helped you and the Congresses about it ...
RESUMO Neste estudo, a poesia oral é observada enquanto manifestação estética e a atenção se...
10. [PDF] Rhythms of Rebellion: Artists Creating Dangerously for Social Change
dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) encampment and settlement. The MST ... famous artist, they were torturing me, yes, but . . . “with all respect ...
11. Life of Dion and Marcus Brutus by Plutarch - Goodreads
Oct 3, 2015 · Plutarch's best-known work is the Parallel Lives , a series of biographies of famous ... Su formato, el de las "Vidas paralelas", explicando las ...
Plutarch was a Greek historian, biographer, essayist, a…
12. Ageing Men and Therapeutic Pints in Roddy Doyle's Two Pints
Mar 17, 2017 · ... dialogues first appeared in his Facebook account page and were then ... famous Dublin team. Doyle may be inspired by this surname for ...
In his article “Roddy Doyle: from Barrytown to the GPO” (2000), Brian Donnelly defines Roddy Doyle, one of the most prominent writers of the Celtic Tiger era, in the following terms: “few contemporary Irish writers serve better one of the most fundamental impulses of the novelist since the time of Defoe: to record and preserve the
13. 2. Los Dos Gallos; 3. Paloma de Paz. Side two songs of Nicaragua is not ...
Spain, Cantos populares de Espana. Popular songs of Spain. Good recording. Song list from the Box lid is in the Cobos folder. Julian Grimao, Hermano. 1. Coplas; ...
From the Collection: The collection consists of 591 recordings of folk songs, folklore and local histories collected by Ruben Cobos from 1944-1974 in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. Also included in the collection are about 270 additional recordings of selected music - a few from New Mexico, many from Mexico and Latin America, and others from Spain, Europe and the U.S. The recordings vary in quality between good, fair, and poor. They contain both musical and spoken content. Most recordings are in Spanish, however, a few are in English. Others are Bilingual or represent the use of Spanglish. The informants are mainly from New Mexico and Colorado, with a few from California, Texas and Mexico. The collections focuses heavily on spoken Spanish, with examples of poetry, riddles, proverbs, legends, anecdotes, folk tales, mysteries, prayers, nursery rhymes, games, jokes, language use, tricky words, tongue twisters, memories, local history and family history. The Spanish songs include alabados, entriegas for weddings and baptisms, inditas, corridos and ballads, pastores, posadas, love songs, folk dance music, etc. Traditions of Los Juanes and Los Manueles, Penitente morada practices, including women Penitentes, Holy Week songs and activities and the role of the church, santos and fiestas in the lives of the people are also included. There are also several lectures on folklore, music and culture by Cobos and other scholars, including Fray Angelico Chavez, Charl...
Sep 5, 2005 · famous ancient city of Monte-Alban found that the length of adjacent ... Open dialogues. Awareness of the social impoverishment problem ...